Thursday, 30 January 2020

Siapa Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish πŸŽ™️🎢🎀

"... and the Grammy Award 2020 goeeessss toooo... Billie Eilish...!" 

Gigih la google sapa budak ni...umur baru 19 tahun, lagu-lagu dia lembik jer tak macam kpop, hip hop ke, penampilan semacam...kaler pelik2...tapi ada beberapa perkara menarik tentang budak ni :

🧸 Mak dia homeschool dia, ajar pasal asas song writing dan buat muzik jer. Sama la ngan abg dia jugak. Now dia ngn abg dia sama2 buat lagu dan terbitkan album sendiri. World class level gitew... 

🧸 Mula tulis lagu masa umur 4 tahun. Mak ayah dia galakkan anak2 express dan explore bidang yg mereka minat terutama kelas seni dan lakonan (sbb makpak dia org seni juga...)

🧸 OK lah key takeaway (nak tau lebih lanjut pasal background budak ni bole google jer)... zaman era internet ni orang nak lihat value and originality...siapa sangka budak ni boleh meletup dengan stail dia jangan lah nak fake atau copy orang lain...jadilah diri sendiri 😁

utk berjaya kena berani...don't limit your vision, realise your dream...stay focus 😎 makpak pun main peranan penting sebenarnya πŸ’

Juga sangat penting untuk yakin pada diri sendiri, konsisten dengan usaha...tapi jangan tak tau ye...πŸ˜‘πŸ‘‡

Setiap orang ada dark sides atau bahagian yang tak berapa nak 'bagus'...walaupun Billie Eilish berjaya dalam karier seni meletop letop...dia ni pernah mengalami depression juga, dan dia ni ada kenan sbnarnya...apa jenis kenan tu, tak abis kaji la pulak haha. Tapi tak la kenan sampai kenyit mata 24 jam, harus lah kena kecam nanti ngan peminat 'sampai lebam' 🀣🀣

So kita ni kannn... jangan sedih sangat kalau rasa pencapaian tu tak seberapa. Move on. Sentiasa ada ruang untuk maju ke hadapan. You are what you think you are. Kalau sendiri taknak sayang diri sendiri....siapa lagi nak sayang oiiii (mak ayah tetap sayanggg, tu kena ingat❤️) 

Tapi satu jer nak pesan pada anak2, ambik moral yang bagus jer pasal budak ni, yang tak sesuai dan tidak dibenarkan dalam agama, pangkah abis ❌

*Boleh share dengan anak2 kalau rasa post ini ada manfaat. 

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Monday, 20 January 2020

How Malaysia Can Speed Up its Education Reform

HOW much would parents be willing to spend on their children’s education? How much would they allocate every month for their school-going children?
Obviously, the answer is linked closely to their own income.
The higher the salary, the bigger the allocation. Many high-income parents place a premium on their children’s education.
That includes sending their children to international or private schools.
That is why these schools are thriving in the country.
In their minds, parents have clear paths for their children upon entering such schools. The target is to further their children’s education by enrolling them in foreign universities, including top and prestigious ones in the United States or the United Kingdom or other parts of Europe.
Some of these parents may have graduated from Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Yale and such.
They now want their children to follow in their footsteps.
These parents are not looking for their children to be employed in this country! Go work where you can fetch good salaries, wherever your qualifications take you — that’s what they preach to their children.
I have friends who send their children to international schools. I marvel at their children’s academic progress and achievements.
Apart from getting good grades in their chosen subjects, they excel in co-curricular activities too.
Stephanie is very good in music, ballet and triathlon; her brother, Julian, is becoming a good saxophonist, linguist and has interest in competitive cycling.
Both will sit for their O-Level exams in the next year or two.
Both parents benefited from foreign university education, a legacy they wish to pass on to their children.
The parents budget their spending tightly to ensure they have enough to pay for their children’s foreign studies.
What about the ordinary folks, salaried men and women who struggle daily to put food on the table; the small entrepreneurs who tighten their belt so that their children can get a proper education.
Enter the new acting education minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who is not new to the portfolio.
Dr Mahathir had first served in that capacity in the 1970s before gradually working his way up to become the prime minister. Twice, in fact.
What reforms would Dr Mahathir bring to the education system? Many of his ideas in education are well known, with a clear preference for English and Mathematics, as too Science.
And that English be the medium to teach Mathematics and Science.
I’m sure he will take a deep look at education with a view of preparing our children for employment in a rapidly changing global and national economic landscape.
Can national schools prepare our children to take on such challenges?
Can our children take on the world and carve a better future for themselves and the country?

Dr Mahathir will have his hands full, I tell you. The academic hopes and achievements aside, he may want to take a close look at the number of increasing dropouts from the existing system.
There must be a solution for the thousands who dropped out of schools without proper education and skills.
It has been reported that 30 per cent of today’s jobs will vanish in a few years’ time, to be replaced by automation, robotics and other forms of technological innovation.
Chances of these dropouts joining the blue-collar workforce, thus, becomes greatly reduced.
There is a growing view that another look is needed at our education policy.
The education blueprint is already there. But a deeper look into its implementation is needed.
Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris Deputy Vice-Chancellor (research and innovation) Professor Datuk Dr Noraini Idris, in a published report in this newspaper two years ago, said: “Malaysia is in need of human capital that possesses critical and innovative thinking to position the country as a Top 20 nation in economic development, social advancement and innovation.”
As the country targets a 60:40 ratio of science to arts students, the low number of enrolment in STEM (Science, Technology, English, Mathematics) programmes is a matter of grave concern.
Noraini, who is the chairman of the National STEM movement, said the challenge was in getting students to love science… and to make these subjects easier to understand with more hands-on and exploration-based techniques.
We will wait for Dr Mahathir to deep dive and start offering practical and real solutions to help bring our children to stand tall on the global stage.
Any change or reforms must start from the top. Dr Mahathir, as amply demonstrated again and again, is not averse to making innovative changes if they are for the common good.
Now we wait!
Credit :  Original article by Ahmad A Talib

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